Avocation 360
Goldfish Farm And Your Resource For Keeping Aquarium Fish
What We Offer
We are a high-quality breeder of Goldfish and we supply them to pet shops and other stores. Our website also helps you avoid common mistakes when starting an aquarium of your own by providing articles that keep you informed throughout the whole process, from when you buy your tank to keeping your fish healthy and knowing what to do throughout the whole spawning and bringing them to adulthood. Learn how to keep fish like a pro through their entire lifecycle!
Learn From My Experience
I share all the personal experiences that I have gathered from successfully raising and breeding fish in my aquariums with you.

Latest Articles

How To Make Beneficial Bacteria For Aquarium At Home (DIY)
Here I will explain step by step how you can culture your own beneficial bacteria for your aquarium fish tanks, keeping your fish happy and healthy.

Live Food For Fish
I will discuss the at-home live fish food options available to you, and how you can get started with your endless supply of healthy fish food.

How To Culture Banana Worms (Live Fish Food)
Here we will go through everything you need to know to have an endless supply of live fish food for fry called Banana Worms

How To Culture Microworms (Live Fish Food)
Here we will go through everything you need to know to have an endless supply of live fish food for your fry called Microworms

How To Raise (Setup) White Worms For Fish Food
Here we will go through how you can start the setup and raise your own white worm farm in a DIY way at home

How To Keep Tubifex Worms (Live Fish Food)
Here we will go through how you can start and maintain your own Tubifex worm farm in a DIY way at home